Construction industry scheme

The Construction Industry Scheme is a way of deducting tax from the sub contractors at source and paying this across to HM Revenue & Customs.

The Construction Industry Scheme is not as simple as it first appears and we have had many cases over the years with HM Revenue & Customs relating to services which fall inside the Construction Industry Scheme and those which fall outside the Construction Industry Scheme.  It is often a belief by many contractors that they must deduct CIS tax from the sub contractors when in fact often the service falls outside of the Construction Industry Scheme.  We can give full guidance to your company relating to this.

As a sub contractor we complete over 75 personal tax returns on behalf of sub contractors on an annual basis obtaining tax refunds for our clients.  We always ensure that the maximum allowable expenses are claimed on behalf of the sub contractors to maximise the tax refunds.

We can help with companies in the application for gross contractor status and have a great success rate of appeals when the gross certificate has been withdrawn.